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28 » pink weddings magazine
ride has been running for many years now, and is a
great way for the LGBT community to raise
awareness of the issues we have to tackle on a daily
basis around the globe.
So why are we talking Pride in this issue? Well one of the
biggest forms of discriminaton in 2012 surrounds same-sex
marriage; what was once a mater for a single country to
handle has exploded into a global affair and one that should
no longer be ignored.
There are no global icons to promote same-sex marriage
but one thing is noticeably apparent – the inclusion within
Pride marches around the globe. Same sex marriages are
getting more and more visibility. Gay and lesbian couples,
their families and friends are coming out in support of
equality and 2012 is the year that heralds the start for global
This is one of those tmes where the community must
unite and stand up; it’s a chance to tell the world that we
deserve legal rights, albeit some want marriage or simply the
right to be recognised under the country’s law.
Allow me to give you few examples of how much work
there is stll to do and how you can help by simply signing
pettons or joining a march if you feel strongly enough.
The UK
Well it’s not like the story hasn’t hit the news, and the word is
spreading. The government’s proposal of civil marriage for
same sex couples is on the table and it looks like same-sex
couples will have the opton for a civil partnership or a civil
marriage one day soon. But there is stll so much more to do.
We need to open civil partnerships to opposite couples and
what happens about church weddings?
You can have a civil partnership in a church or religious
building – BUT, only if the church or venue has applied for a
licence. So the best way to find out is to contact your local
register office or drop us a line at
Even though there are many countries within Europe that
offer some form of unity, union or even marriage, every
country with the excepton of Gran Canaria (at least for now)
has placed a residency restricton.
This stops couples living outside their country from
getng married, for example, France, Switzerland, Prague and
Spain to name but a few.
What does that mean for us as an internatonal
community? A new batle heading its way direct to the EU with
the rallying call ‘if opposite sex couples can marry anywhere in
Europe and have it recognised in the UK, why have these
countries placed these restrictons on same sex couples?’
The campaign sTarTs here and now
This is how you can help
• Simply sign the petton and add your voice to the rally call
• Then spread the word and get Brussels to legislate on
something more important than what can or cannot be
called a ‘banger’ (sausage).
The Usa
It’s not all sorted over the pond either. President Obama gave
a speech where he personally endorsed same-sex marriage –
We can’t afford to be passive
about our fundamental rights –
it’s time to join in supporting
all that Pride stands for, says
Gino Meriano