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almonds gently remove grease from the skin’s surface.
Follow exfoliaton with moisturiser to add lustre and
improve tone. My favourite for all skin types is sesame oil.
Known as the queen of oils, it’s great for everyone. an
antoxidant full of wonderful stuff that neutralises oxygen
radicals, it penetrates deeply into skin for lastng so ness. it’s
even mild enough to use on sensitve skin and fine for oiliness
too. For extra nourishment, snip open some vitamin e or
evening primrose capsules and squeeze the contents into the
sesame oil. Before applying the oil to your face, it’s a good idea
to apply a mask for a bit of extra oomph. Cleanse beforehand,
then apply your mask for ten minutes. Do this around once a
week you’ll soon see a difference to your skin’s natural quality.
Dry skin types should mash up a ripe avocado, add a
tablespoon of honey and a dash of olive oil. apply to your face
and neck then wash off with warm water. your face will absorb
the mask’s vitamins and essental faty acids to alleviate
dryness. Lovely!
Combinaton types need to reach for the bananas. Mash one
up and add a tablespoon of honey and some ground almonds. it
will remove dead skin cells, and so en up the sebum on your
face to take away the grime and leave your skin plump and
moisturised. if there’s any le over feel free to have a nibble.
if you're prone to oiliness, you’ll be glad to know that your
skin will remain younger looking for longer – hoorah! However,
i know it can be a bother dealing with those pesky pimples.
spoon some natural yogurt into a bowl, add some lime juice
and give it a mix. Chop some rosemary and add with a
teaspoon of honey and ground almonds to the yogurt.
Rosemary, lime and almonds li the grease and yogurt cools
and moisturises your cheeks to perfecton!
there are some lovely gentle optons for sensitve skin. Mix
yogurt with two tablespoons of oats and apply. you can also add
lavender flowers or steep some chamomile teabags in hot water,
leave to cool and mix into the concocton to cool irritaton.
so there you have it. some easy-peasy steps for shiny,
happy, achingly beautful skin. i promise that these Diy
pampering tps will get you gleaming in no tme, leaving you
feeling fabulous for your big day.
Llinos Merriman can be contacted at
Beauty tips
‘My favourite for all skin types is
sesame oil. Known as the queen
of oils, it’s great for everyone.
An antioxidant full of wonderful
stuff that neutralises oxygen
radicals, it penetrates deeply
into skin for lasting softness.’
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